Prepare for the factory of the future with our HAS-200 special edition training system

HAS-200 SE I4.0

This state-of-the-art system gives you the tools you need to train your students in the most demanded skills in today's industry.


What are the five features that make it an indispensable tool?


1.- Robustness: The didactic system is composed of different robust stations that integrate up to 12 relevant Industry 4.0 technologies, including a high number of manipulations and Pick & Place operations.


2.- Flexibility: It offers flexibility to include collaborative robotics in two process stations and different PLC brands with a high number of I/O and digital twin.


3.- Advanced management: MES management software with advanced functions allows maintenance management, traceability and statistical control of the process in an efficient way.


4.- Realistic representation: Non-destructive fault generation system simulates real industry scenarios, preparing students for any eventuality.


5.-Full scale factory: It represents a highly automated factory that emulates a complete process, including production, quality control, storage and dispatch of the product. It even offers the possibility of integrating two warehouses into a single system, facilitating learning inventory management and logistics strategies.


Invest in the future of training with the HAS-200 special edition training system and prepare your students for success in Industry 4.0!