SMC AR-Viewer: Augmented Reality in Industrial Education

In an increasingly digital world, Augmented Reality (AR) has become an omnipresent tool. From entertainment applications to medical and design apps, AR is revolutionizing how we interact with information and our surroundings.


What is Augmented Reality? AR combines real-world elements with virtual ones, overlaying real-time digital information on what we see. Through devices like phones or tablets, AR enhances our perception and understanding of the world.

Therefore, integrating AR into education is a crucial step. Future industrial workers must be prepared to use this technology in their daily tasks. From engineering to manufacturing, AR offers opportunities to improve efficiency, safety, and precision.


At SMC International Training, we are committed to educating future industrial professionals. That’s why we’re pleased to announce the integration of the SMC AR-Viewer augmented reality application into our M&I-400 didactic system.

This app allows students to explore physical components and access relevant real-time information. From station statuses to inventory data, the SMC AR-Viewer enriches the learning experience.


In summary, AR isn’t just part of our daily lives; it’s also an essential skill for future professionals. The SMC AR-Viewer exemplifies how technology integrates into industrial education.


Enhance your learning experience with SMC AR-Viewer!