ICT-200 Industrial Control Trainer

ICT-200 - Industrial control trainerICT-200 - Industrial control trainer


Electrical panel Electric motors
Industrial controller



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Sensors Industrial communications
Motion control HMI
ICT-200 - Industrial control trainer  


IPT-200 – options - how to order
 Related eLEARNING courses

The Industrial Control Trainer provides students with a flexible system allowing for hands-on experiments in wiring and troubleshooting of control circuits. The system gives access to devices allowing students to connect all circuit components directly or via terminal blocks.




  • • Motor Control Devices


  • • Pilot devices


  • • Pushbuttons (Wiring, emenrgency)


  • • Selector switches


  • • Automatic Control Devices


  • • Control Relays


  • • Timer relays


  • • Sensors 


  • • Contactors-Motor Controls


  • • Troubleshooting circuits







ICT-200 has a series of optional extras. >> (See how to order)





 Find out more about the theory behind the technologies developed in ICT-200 with our eLEARNING-200 courses.        >> (See related courses)