Prepare for the Future with the educational model of SMC International Training!

With more than 20 years of experience, SMC distinguishes itself by providing not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical experiences supported by quality hardware.


The educational model of SMC International Training aims to empower the training community in automation technologies. Based on four pillars: expertise, passion, automation and lifelong learning, it inspires the development of resources to meet the challenges of the automated world. The goal is to train competent people who thrive in a changing environment, where automation plays a fundamental role in the transformation of production processes. Highlighting the crucial role of hardware, it is fundamentally integrated into the model, complemented by resources such as didactic curriculum, theoretical fundamentals, community, simulation, certification and remote laboratory. This effective combination contributes to the achievement of the training objectives.


Going into the automation training revolution is easier than ever. We invite you to immerse yourself in our innovative educational model through an exclusive video that captures the essence of the SMC experience - discover how passion, experience and technology intertwine to produce leading automation professionals!


In addition, you can visit our website to access detailed information about our unique approach.


The educational revolution is here, and SMC International Training invites you to be part of it!