ENS-200 as a tool for environmental sustainability education

ENS-200 as a tool for environmental sustainability education

Environmental sustainability is a crucial goal in a world where natural resources are limited and environmental degradation is a growing concern. People need to understand environmental issues and how their daily actions can have a positive or negative impact on the environment.


At SMC International Training we believe that environmental conservation is one of the most important challenges we face. Environmental awareness in companies is becoming more and more common and, consequently, the preparation of students and future employees in this area is now crucial.


Did you know that 90% of companies use compressed air? Did you know that, on average, energy cost makes up between 10% and 20% of industrial production costs? SMC research reveals that it is possible to save up to 40% energy used to generate compressed air. We believe in the importance of training future employees to use the available energy resources as sustainably as possible.


For this purpose, we have the ENS-200 system, an energy saving trainer with a series of applications (vacuum, actuators and blowing) aimed at learning and implementing the methodology related to energy saving in compressed air installations. With ENS-200, you can show your students how to detect possible excess consumption and propose measures to avoid it. Through a series of guided activities, the user will analyse different scenarios. Each experiment shows how much has been saved, both as a percentage and in the chosen currency.


This equipment acts on the four fundamental pillars of energy saving in pneumatics:


-          PRESSURE


-          MONITORING

-          AIR QUALITY


Discover all the qualities of this ENS-200 energy saving trainer to show students how to save energy in the use of compressed air.