Video-tutorials about autoSIM-200 FAQs
After collecting some of the most frequent queries made by users about autoSIM-200, we have developed some video tutorials that show, step by step, how to carry out common actions such as installing an autoSIM-200 licence or importing a CAD file from solidworks into autoSIM-200.
Access this new section through the autoSIM-200 product page and click on the FAQs button. You will be able to watch the following video tutorials:
- How to install autoSIM-200 and autoSIM-200 ADVANCED
- Transfer the license from one PC to another
- Convert a circuit from autoSIM-200 or autosim-200 ADVANCED into PDF format
- Import of 3D drawing from CAD tool
Remember, autoSIM-200 licenses can be completed with our:
- 3D applications: to simulate, control and supervise actual automated processes from a virtual environment.
- 2D applications: to design pneumatic, hydraulic or electric circuits.
- Digital models: To program from the PLC programming environment.
*Note: The 40-day demo cannot be installed if you have previously had another license installed that has already expired.