Discover the e-learning course "Solid state"

smc105-solid-stateIn order to keep providing digital learning resources in the field of Industrial Automation to all of our users, in this occasion, SMC International Training offers free access to the course eLEARNING-200 “SMC-105 – Solid state”.


The SMC-105 course focusses on studying solid state devices commonly used in automated equipment and facilities. Click here for more information about this course.


This Access will only be available until the 17th May 2020, so don´t waste your time and follow the next steps in order to download the instructions:


       1.-To complete this process, the user must be  registered. Please, click on Login and enter your email and password if you already have one. If not, please create a new user clicking on Register

       2.-Click on “My Products

       3.-Click on “Register new product” (it is necessary to be registered)

       4.-Enter the following code in “Code” box: 942313826394332


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