Certification - How does it work?
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Certification - How does it work?
 How does this certification works?

This is the process to follow:

  1.  Determine the desired level(s) of certification.
  2.  Define the instructor(s) which will act as the certifying agent.

 Select an option for instructor credentialing:

  • - Onsite at the institution.
  • - Remote at SMC Certification Site.
  4.  The training equipment in the institution will be assessed to ensure it is at or above the level required for the selected credentialing.
  5.  Instructor credentialing training and assessement.
  6.  Once the instructor has successfully completed the certification requirements, and the institution training equipment has been verified to meet the requirements, the instructor will be approved to provide technicain level credentials up to the highest level achieved by the instructor.
  7.  Provide training and credentials to students at the available agreed upon levels./span>

 *All credentials are issued to an individual and are not transferrable.


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